Our Opening Sequence

Our Preliminary Exercise Sequence

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Film Budgeting

At first, filmmakers would do a rough budget to show production companies. Once they’ve got the go ahead to do the film they would put together a more exact budget during pre-production.
These are the things that they would consider:

- Story Rights: You need to buy the rights to produce a film based on a play, novel, or new story.
- Screenplay: A well respected scriptwriter would be paid tens of thousands to write the first three drafts of a script.
- Dialogue Writer: They would also be paid tens of thousands.
- Director: A director would be paid minimum can be paid around 250,000 for one movie up to it’s first release, for a minimum of ten weeks' work. Usually, the director's salary is around 7% of the final overall budget. For example, in Spiderman 2 (2004, Sam Raimi), Sam Raimi got paid $10 million, the overall budget was $200 million.
- Cast: A-list actors will cost a lot more than unknown actors and can ask for millions to be in a film, as well as a trailer, entourage etc. More unknown actors will usually be paid a minimum. For example, for Spiderman 2 (2004, Sam Raimi) Tobey Maguire got $18 million.
- Production Costs: This is the overall cost of shooting the film, including location filming, sets, hotels, wardrobe, make-up and transportation of all this. The crew is also included in this.
- Visual Effects: These, if needed, are also very expensive.

- Special Effects: These are added in after and also need to be considered in the budget
- Music: Top film composers can ask for a six-figure salary, so if the music is original in the film then it would cost a lot.

- Advertising: The filmmakers would need to pay for all advertising, except word-of-mouth advertising.

The spending can be split into three groups: The cast, The actual filming (crew, set etc.) and post-production (effects, music etc.)

Our Film Budget:
- Whenwe are filming we will not have a budget. Therefore we will have to find actors who are willing to be in our films without being paid, we will have to find places to film where we dont have to pay and if we want sets made we will have to make them ourselves or get someone to make them for free. We would also not hire a scriptwriter or a crew, we would do these jobs ourselves.

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